Awakening with Gina Charles

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Are You Awakening

Then one day the mind happened to get a glimpse of itself. In that moment the mind saw itself, and had a realization. The experience was of a sudden knowing that rose independently from within. 

Thought and Self are two separate things. 

This realization was not a conceptual understanding, it was a knowing - like when you finally see something for yourself, and now you know it. ‘There’s thought, and That which notices it, is not that.’

Thought was noticed. When the mind notices its own thought, as if someone else had said it, this is the mind seeing and noticing itself. The program seeing the program. 

It was noticed, that as thought popped in, the mind had been automatically believing and going along with it. Like there was no adult in the room. Whatever the mind said, it just went along with it, never noticing how unnecessary or unfounded what it was saying actually was.

There was no presence noticing these thoughts and no one examining them against Reality. 

When we wake up to unnecessary, unfounded, unnoticed thought, we can choose an authentic, more enjoyable place to live.


Today I will notice thought, and examine it against unbiased Reality. Today I will have freedom. Today I will live authentically.

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