Are You Surviving Or Thriving?


At the end of my life, when I look back on all of the things I've accomplished and survived, I'm sure I'll feel strong and grateful. 

But I've realized that that's not what I came here for. I did not come here to survive. I came here to thrive.


So at the end of my life, I want to look back and see how all of that surviving led me to wake up. To wake up to the bliss of living Authentically, where internally I feel whole, safe, and connected.

The inner space where my insides wordlessly feel that everything really is alright. That internal sweet spot from which serendipity and providence manifest into my life experience.

I have not come to visit, but to find and live in that space, that mindset, that state of being.


Have I lived a life laced with child-like awe and self-love?


If not, for what have I survived?



Today I will wake up from memorized behavior, and notice all the positive, feel-good things I overlook. Today I will thrive.


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If this information resonates with you and you'd like to learn more:

Sit back and enjoy a HIGH-VIBE slideshow

Listen in to 2-minute blasts of personal rocket fuel

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BOOKS by Gina Charles:

FUEL Your Life

Shift Happens


~You are meant for amazing things.~

Gina Charles

Spiritual awakening and authentic living with Gina Charles.

Are You Awakening


Mantz & Mitchell Go Beyond Mindfulness With Gina Charles on Alternative Talk Radio