Holy Shift
I used to think surrender meant giving up. The connotation reeked of failure. Surrendering to anything felt like backing down, or caving in.
My thinking mind considered surrender a dirty word, while my drive and commitment ate surrender for breakfast.
Well, that's before I understood what it really meant.
In surrendering resistance, I shift into the space of serendipity and divine providence.
Surrender, in a spiritual context, is more like off-loading my to-do list. I get to drop worry and fear-based action, in exchange for the peaceful power of a lucid moment.
Resistance can not exist in the space of unconditional acceptance. Surrendering into the unconditional acceptance of the present moment, opens my door to miracles. In surrendering resistance, I shift into the space of serendipity and divine providence.
I now realize the difference between going after something, and something coming to me.
Surrendering into unconditional acceptance is what bridges that gap.
Unconditional acceptance is surrendering my thinking mind's desire to constantly control it all, even in so much as an approval or disapproval.
Each time I surrender into unconditional acceptance, something good happens.
I know that's a big statement, and this has been my experience.
Stepping outside of my comfort zone by relinquishing unnecessary mental control, has yielded unsurpassed growth, and unexpected joy.
Holy shift.
Today I will surrender into accepting the moment and watch the Universe rise to meet me.
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