Patterns, Programs And Puppets
Our brains learn by repetition. When we repeat something, it is memorized within the electrical activity in the brain. These are patterns and programs.
For example, typing has become hardwired in my brain and I am now able to type quickly and effortlessly.
Programming can also be described as the making or breaking of a habit.
In addition to activity, behavior can be memorized and programmed as well. Although my mind can learn how to type, or dance, it can also learn self-sabotage, defensiveness, and fear.
One of the first things a hungry baby learns is that crying gets them fed. While some learned behavior perpetuates survival, if not updated, some learned behavior can get you thrown out of a restaurant!
Stepping Up For Myself
I did not control the circumstances that contributed to the programming of my formative years. I am, however, responsible for that programming today.
The good news is that I possess the power to deprogram.
Different places, different faces, same patterns and programs. Around and around I go.
Instead of struggling to live in avoidance of what triggers me, I can free myself by noticing thought and catching repetitious patterns that my mind runs over and over again.
Cut The Strings
Memorized behavior is a byproduct of living life submersed in thought. Updating, or deleting unnecessary memorized behavior, must begin with this one step, this one habit, this one practice.
I must begin to develop the skill of witnessing my thoughts. Witnessing thought as if someone else had just said it. Witnessing thought as an observer.
This gives me the ability to discard all thought that does not serve me.
Each time I notice thought firing a learned pattern or program, and I just watch and feel what it feels like, I am weakening that program. Every time I notice myself falling back into learned, repetitious behavior, I’m kicking a dent in that program. Eventually the program will be weakened to the point that I can easily step out of it, or it just doesn’t fire anymore, and I’m free.
Are you REACTING to life from memorized behavior, or are you authentically RESPONDING to life outside of old, erroneous patterns and programs?
I can’t put out a fire if I don’t know where it is. Today I will notice my thoughts.
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