Positive Thinking: The Valley Of Faux Mercy
Apples And Oranges Are Both Fruit
No doubt that positive thinking is packed with goodness. I myself value the power of positive thinking. Until I can step outside of, or turn all thought off completely, I can choose positive thought. After all, if I’m going to live in a story, I’ll at least try to make it a good one.
That said, be leery not to wander too far into positive thought or as I like to call it, The Valley of Faux Mercy. The thinking mind likes this place, as it perpetuates thinking.
Whether I am submersed in negative thought, or I am submersed in positive thought, I am still submersed in thought.
It’s all still thought.
I notice that negative thought hurts right away, and positive thought has the power to turn my ship around and to bring temporary relief. But riding that positive/negative thought-rollercoaster is enough to tucker me out and to create stagnation in my life. Around, and around I go.
But there’s something more, something even better.
Use positive thought to get you closer to the gate of awareness. That mentally silent state of Awareness where you perceive without the mind constantly chiming in. Your awakened state, where you are the eyewitness to thought if it happens, without falling into it. This is the space outside the box of thought and bad programming. I always say there is another way to have this human adventure, and this is it.
Awake and aware.
All Thought Versus Consciousness
It’s easier for the mind to go from happy thought, to no thought, than it is for the mind to go from feel-bad thought, to no thought.
In this illustration the two inner circles represent all thought, positive, the feel-good swim, and negative thought, the feel-bad swim. The outer circle represents no thought, or reaching the shore, your awakened state.
So if your mind is splashing around in lots of “positive” thinking, AKA the Valley of Faux Mercy, don’t be fooled. Stop right there and notice you are submersed in thought that is not essential to your survival.
In other words, you are 5 feet deep under unnecessary, unnoticed, unfounded, unexamined thinking and it’s time to pull the plug, even if it’s for only a few minutes at a time. Even quieting the mind for a few seconds at a time slows that crazy train down, making it easier to bring that speeding thought-train to a stop.
There’s something more, there’s something better.
When you perceive without the mind’s opinions, you are lucid and awake. You have eliminated the mental static so you have a much better chance of getting great ideas, receiving guidance, connecting to your own intuition and stepping into “luck”.
Here, you are free. Welcome home.
The less thought I have, the more I see, hear and connect.
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