The Ride
Instead of the usual way we go through our day, submersed in unnoticed, unexamined, painful thought, let’s try something different.
Let’s try noticing when we’re unconscious, lost in thought, so that we can step back into Awareness. When we wake up to thought, we regain our power.
What would today be like outside of the memorized thought and rote behaviors we run over and over everyday of our lives?
What would happen if we allowed ourselves to step out of thought and just connect with life?
We would experience the moments we came here for. They would happen naturally, as being Awake, living in a quiet mind connected to what is happening in the moment, is our natural state of being. This is the state in which we can experience authentic joy, not the watered-down mind’s version of joy.
What would today be like outside of memorized thought and rote behavior?
It's waiting for you.
Today I intend to notice when I fall into unconsciousness, so that I may throw my hands up and enjoy this ride.
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