What Is Mindful Living?

The very tool we have to rewire, observe, enhance or wake up from the thinking mind, is the thinking mind! ...The good news is, the thinking mind can do that.  -Gina Charles

What is mindful living? Mindful living is honing the skill of staying Awake, and enjoying an Awakened life experience.What is an Awakened life experience? An Awakened life experience is one that differentiates between being submersed in thought, sleepwalking through life, and not.When I'm able to notice my thoughts as the Observer, and not fall unconsciously submersed into them, I'm Awake, I'm Aware.When I'm able to experience life outside of the filter of the thinking mind, I'm having a direct life experience. I'm Awake, I'm Aware. When I experience life through the filter of the thinking mind, I'm living life inauthentically, or once removed.Join me in living mindfully, and enjoying an enhanced life experience. I will stay awake with you.[fblike]

Quote: from the book Shift Happens: A Laypersons Guide To Awakening, by Gina Charles http://dev.ginacharles.com/shift-happens/



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