Awakening with Gina Charles

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This Is The Path To Enlightenment?

The problem lies in believing it.

Actually enlightenment can happen anywhere, at any time. Your consciousness can expand while waiting on line at the supermarket.

So where is this path and how do you get there?

It’s here, now, right where you are.

It’s true, whatever is happening is the path to enlightenment. Truth/Reality is always right under our noses, waiting to be noticed. Life is filled with sign posts.

Everything in our lives serve to further our awakening.

You are always on the path. You notice, or you don’t. You either notice the moment as the Observer, or you sleepwalk the path inside an unnoticed bubble of thought.

What’s the difference?

Sleepwalking The Path

Never fear, you are still being guided toward your own enlightenment. Pain and suffering is the messenger. When feel-bad strikes it’s to tell us that we are sleepwalking and to wake up.

When we wake up and notice thought, we see how most of what the mind says is not even true, especially about all the predicting it does. Remember, I can’t say that I believe in miracles and then believe the mind when it says I’m going to have a rotten day just because I stubbed my toe this morning. The mind just loves to talk, but we don’t have to go along with it.

So while everything in your life experience serves to further your enlightenment, while you’re sleepwalking your path, it’s possible that it may take time and many bumps in the road to experience some enlightenment. While sleepwalking the path, submersed in unnoticed thought, we can feel like we’re running in place, going in circles, or stuck in our lives.

Knowingly Walking The Path

If everything serves to further your awakening, and you’re always on the path whether your mind realizes it or not, then how can you work this thing in your favor?

Change your state.

Try This:

  • Practice being the eyewitness to thought. Notice the mind’s thoughts as if someone else had said them. Ditch the ones that don’t serve you or others.

  • Be courageous, even if it is within the hidden confines of your own mind. Be brave enough to look at your current situation with the intent to see Truth, instead of the mind’s version of it.

  • Use self-honesty as if it were a magic elixir, because it is. Again, you can do this within the privacy of your own mind. The more we are willing to notice the mind and its activity, the freer we become to have a life experience beyond the mind’s limitations and expectations.

Old, erroneous programming begins to fall away as your consciousness expands. You begin to notice feel-good changes about yourself and your life experience.


Today I will notice the path and use my tools to find my gifts.

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~You are meant for amazing things.~