3 Empowering Questions To Jump Start Your Day
Using My Tools
When I use empowering questions first thing in the morning, they kick in like personal rocket fuel, and change the whole trajectory of my day. Many times in undeniable and feel-great ways.
I notice that great ideas pop in, and realizations that keep me cool, calm and collected. I even notice unexpected, serendipitous events. I see stuff happening FOR me rather than BY me. Stuff outside of the same old memorized behaviors. When I notice new or different things happening, that's a confirmation that I am using my tools, and tapping into higher Intelligence. This tells the mind that the universe has my back.
Morning Rocket Fuel Ritual:
Today, how can I get and stay motivated?
How can today be easy, effortless and ENJOYABLE?
How can (today or a situation) turn out better than I ever imagined?
I invite you to try using these, or by all means your own empowering questions. They are not limited to any number. Even 1 power question can blast you off into a feel-good day. Nor are power questions reserved for morning. Power questions are your tools, and at the ready for your use. Give it a try! Go create your own personal rocket fuel, and share your delicious results in the comments below!
Power Questions.
Use your tools.
Today I will use my tools to create my own personal rocket fuel.
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