Reasoning Or Intuition?
The most the thinking mind can do on its own is to use logic and percentages to build our life experience. But in reality the mind can never know anything for sure, absolutely, 100%. While figuring stuff out can sometimes be fun, eventually you’ll notice that life doesn’t always take direction from the thinking mind.
So what’s a thinking mind to do?
We live in a field of infinite possibility, but we cannot access it through thought. That field is located right outside of thought and all its reasoning and statistics. How do I get out of the box and plug into the field of infinite possibilities, where it rains miracles?
It is then, the magic begins…
Become the eyewitness to thought, so that you can move thought aside or quiet it down in order to get present in the moment. When we focus on right now and what that contains it anchors us in the power of the moment. For example:
Place your attention on a few deep, slow, relaxing breaths.
Pay attention to how your body feels in the chair, or how your feet feel in your shoes.
Notice any sounds, smells or sensations you did not notice before.
Let any thoughts that pop in just blow away like leaves in the wind.
With a quiet mind, keep your awareness on the present moment and practice maintaining an alert listening mode.
Pretend you are on a stakeout and watching and listening intently!
This is the state in which we can connect with our higher Self, Intuition, Guidance and oh yes, the field of infinite possibility.
Today I will be the eyewitness to thought, so that I may quiet the mental chatter, and listen.
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