Awakening a Passion
What's a Passion?
As far back as I can remember I've enjoyed things I was passionate about. As a young child I remember always wanting to draw, because ....well that's the thing about a passion - the best ones are inexplicable. Engaging in something you're very drawn to, just feels great.
Life offers so many circumstances that could wake up one of your inner passions. Some people feel their heart flutter at the thought of reading another great book, helping someone, or building or creating something.
It's exciting to come in contact with that wordless magnetized pull inside of yourself. All of a sudden you feel a deep interest in something, sometimes mesmerized by it. This is what it feels like when a passion ignites. All your attention is engaged with this interesting thing that is pulling you in.
Then of course, the mind slides in to try to narrate over the experience. No narration necessary. Passion is wordless. It's that good.
How Do I Know If I Have A Passion?
If you experience something you have a passion for, most or all of the following points will be true for you:
You are in the present moment.
Something about the endeavor is inexplicably good.
You're having less thought.
You are more aware of any thought.
Thought can be used as a tool.
Time flies.
How To Find A Passion
Coming into the present moment puts us back in our power. After all, the present moment is reality. It's the past and future that is the illusion.
Once we are present and place our awareness on something that our insides are drawn to, the mind moves aside and releases its white-knuckling control on things.
The quieter the mind, the easier it is to plug into the creativity and higher intelligence of the present moment.
Try This:
Pay attention to how you feel inside.
Don't let the mind narrate.
Try new things. Even the smallest change, like taking a different route to work, can spark a passion.
Visualize during meditation about trying new things. As the Observer, notice what feelings arise.
Look to your childhood.
A fun exercise is one where you look back to your childhood for something that lit you up inside. Even the smallest thing is a clue as to where you may find a passion.
For example, I wasn't into Barbie dolls as a kid, except for the Barbie Christmas show we'd put on. I would search for scraps of fabric to make beautiful outfits for the Barbies to wear in their show.
It was so much fun, I loved that!
But then, that was it. After the show ended so did my passion for playing Barbie dolls.
Fast forward: I later became an apparel designer.
Keep Your Antenna High
Personally I think splashing around in passion is one of the universal life purposes. Let's face it, once the mind gets that experience of quietly engaging in the magnetizing magic of a passion, everything else seems like a regular old cracker.
Here are 4 practices to keep thought down and your passion antenna high:
F - Flow emotion:
Today I will live my life from the inside out.
U - Accept Unconditionally:
Today I will make reality my friend and teacher.
E - Be the Eyewitness:
Today I will be the eyewitness to thought, so that I may discard those that do not serve.
L - Step into Lucidity:
Today I will exercise Lucidity by perceiving life with little to no talking in the head.
Jump In
Here's to sniffing out new and exciting passions! When we get good at it we can leap frog from one passion to the next. After all, passion is one of the wonderful things we came here for.
Do you have passions that light up your insides? What are they, and how did you find them? Share them in the comments below!
Today I will stay open and keep my antenna high so that I may find the passions that await me.
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