Cutting The Strings Of Unconsciousness
There is only Consciousness and unconsciousness
We are either Awake to thought, or asleep in it.
We are either Lucid, or we are submerged in thought unawares.
All thoughts and beliefs, noticed or not, create our reality, and how we experience our lives.
Right now. Try this:
Unclench your teeth.
Relax your shoulders.
Notice and loosen all contracted muscles.
Take 1 slow, deep, relaxing breath.
Doesn't that feel better? If you were able to do any of the above, know that you were undoing what unnoticed, unexamined thought caused.
If you were reading this and didn't notice that your teeth were clenched, or your shoulders were up around your ears, or your muscles were contracted, your mind overlooked these sign posts, these taps on the shoulder, that tell you that you were unconscious.
If the mind’s thoughts and the body’s subsequent emotions create our life experience, I certainly don’t want to manifest my life experience with unnoticed, feel-bad thought while my teeth are clenched and my shoulders are up around my ears!
When we notice thought, we wake up to the bigger picture and can then free ourselves.
Today I will be the Eyewitness to thought, cutting the strings of unconsciousness and stepping out into the field of infinite possibilities.
Snip, snip! ;)
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