Getting Unstuck
What’s Keeping Me Stuck?
I’m sure you’re familiar with the adage, the truth sets you free. If you’re feeling stuck, noticing what’s true for you is a great place to start to set yourself free.
What are my truths? Your truths are sign posts to your best life. Not the life the mind imagines, something much better. Your truth is what feels right to you. Not what the mind thinks is right because it has a long list of becauses. Truth is what resonates within you, in a silent and undeniable way. Some truths feel good and some feel bad. The experience of truth is like having a gut instinct about something, and your insides “just know” but your mouth may not be able to explain it. Truth feels like that.
Some truths the mind keeps tucked away under a huge pile of denial and resistance. For example, working a job that feels like it’s sucking the life out of you, like a Dementor from Harry Potter. Yet it seems too hard to make changes because of the mind’s many reasons.
It may be true that this work doesn’t feel right to you, or that it doesn’t light you up inside. If your guts “just know” this is your truth, that’s a good thing. Denying it, even with a lengthy list of becauses, is the source of your pain and suffering.
How do we know we are denying a truth? It hurts.
There are other truths that are much easier to accept and align with. Like, noticing what a caring person you are, instead of just thinking that thought. Or, the mind seeing for itself how intelligent, brave, or responsible you really are, instead of just hearing the words.
When the mind stops talking, and actually sees your truth, it is undeniable.
How Do I Honor My Truths?
Truth is truth. It’s not personal nor is it good or bad. The mind creates the experience of feeling good or bad based on it’s unexamined and unfounded reasoning.
Think about it, if we were able to recognize one of our truths and simply do what ever it wants us to do without the fear and subsequent discomfort, we would be free to become who we were meant to be, doing the things we came here to do, easily and effortlessly.
To honor our truths, we have to move past resistance.
How Do I Move Past Resistance?
How can I get past the denial and resistance of the thinking mind? Accept unconditionally. I must unconditionally accept the isness of the moment, no matter how much it makes me want to spit, run, or fall to my knees.
Whether my car was stolen, or I really want to decline a party invitation, I must surrender to, or accept what is, in the moment, in order to honor my truths.
While it may be true that my car was stolen, it is also true at the same time that in present-moment reality I am safe and well. That’s great because I’d like to move forward and do whatever I need to do next. Remaining in the calm, power of present-moment reality is the most empowering thing I can do. I should not choose anything less for myself. My car is gone, but that doesn’t mean I should have a painful meltdown on top of that.
The Burn Of Acceptance
It took me a long time to sit with that inner burn of acceptance. When I try to accept something that my mind is afraid of or really in denial about, I feel a slight burning sensation in the center of my chest and stomach, around the solar plexus. It feels like that small inner fire I’d feel when I was a kid and was vehemently in opposition to something, but knew to keep quiet and do what I was told. Funny how even now, accepting something in the face of the mind’s denial and resistance can make you want to take a tantrum.
It’s simple, but it’s not always easy. So what. The benefits far outweigh the effort it takes to learn how to use this superpower.
The good news is that little by little, as my own smoke cleared, my mind began to notice how that inner burning and churning recycled itself into my own personal rocket fuel.
With baby steps, I practiced being with the burn of acceptance, and I got better and better at it.
Give It A Try
Face the isness of the moment.
Notice any feel-bad.
In complete mental silence, watch the feeling rise and fall away.
Stay out of the story.
It may taste bad going down, but once it's down there, the experience of acceptance gets recycled into butt-kicking magic.
You have nothing to lose, except the denial that's holding you down.
When I feel stuck, finding my truth and using the teeth-gritting burn of acceptance is always at my disposal.
Resistance falls away, and that opens new doors of possibility that I would have otherwise kept at bay. Truth and acceptance propels me forward.
Congratulations, you have just learned about another one of your innate tools. The very tools that can change your life experience as you know it. Welcome to freedom.
Welcome to Authentic living.
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