Changing My World
Inner Change
In order for me to grow, or to free myself from the mind’s painful misunderstandings, I must look inward. I must be willing to change a few things on the inside.
My thoughts and beliefs are the filters through which I have this human experience. Being the eyewitness to thought allows me to see the patterns that the mind runs that weigh me down and keep me feeling bad.
Patterns like putting myself down, or holding back out of fear. Even giving in to the pull of negative gossip is also a feel-bad activity that emits low energy, which attracts more of the same low quality experiences into my life.
Around and around I go. Different day, same bad patterns, same feel-bad experiences. Cliche as it may sound, changing my mind, changes my life experience.
Authentic Vs. Temporary Change
Authentic change happens within. When the mind sees its own patterns, when you notice what the mind does more than what the mind says, the hold of unconsciousness lets go of you.
We allow authentic change to occur when we watch the mind as an eyewitness, or an observer. Watch and listen to the mind as if it were a separate person on the outside of you. Once we see through our own stories, they fall away and we are free.
Very often when this type of authentic change happens on the inside, we notice something in our outside world changes before our eyes.
Temporary change happens when we move things around on the outside, to avoid what hurts on the inside.
Our best bet is to cut to the chase, and feel what hurts on the inside. When I allow the unprocessed emotions to be felt, with no talking in the head, within moments the feeling silently peaks, and melts away. This creates authentic change. Now you can flow in the current of your best life, instead of living your life in avoidance of all the things that push your buttons. In the end, it’s much better to stop moving stuff around outside yourself, and just dump the inner buttons.
Finding My Pearl
There is change that we want, and there is change that we do not want. The more resistance that I have, the more difficult and uncomfortable the situation becomes. This is my invitation to take another shot at unconditional acceptance. I may not like what’s going on, but I am able to accept that it exists.
Once I’m able to accept the isness of the moment, no matter how much I’d rather stuff a sock in it, I empower myself. I am now able to take that energy that I was wasting on resistance, and use it in a much more beneficial way.
Once we get the message of change, the messenger goes away. It is then I can recognize change working in my favor.
Imagine how empowering it is to make friends with change.
I flow with the current of life. I accept and rejoice in opening the gifts of change.
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