FUEL Your Life
After almost 4 years, I am so pleased to present my new book, FUEL Your Life, A 4-Point Practice To Spiritual Awakening.
I have written it with the hope that whoever reads it, comes away with self-empowerment greater than they have known.
This book is about how to go inward to heal and upgrade the software. It’s about discovering and living our personal power and watching it change our life experience. FUEL teaches us how to wake up to Life and connect with it, for an authentic life experience you didn’t even see coming. Here’s to becoming who we are meant to be.
Writing this book became an invaluable practice of surrender for me. I learned that when I relinquished the mind's desire to write, I allowed the writing to flow naturally. Everything clicked into place when the words came through me rather than words that were solely mind-generated. The practice was getting the thinking mind out of the way. Which I now see is the only practice there is.
It took awhile for my mind to learn that the magical journey begins when the mind shows up and asks, "How can I help, how can I serve?", and then surrenders into the unknown. I invite you to join me.
Let the magic begin.
For more on how to FUEL your life, click here for the new FUEL Workbook.
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