Get Used To THAT
We’ve all had those windows of time when we’re feeling great!
How it happens doesn’t matter. Don’t bother letting the mind look a gift-horse in the mouth, just enjoy!
It’s that feeling, that “great” feeling, that you have to get used to.
What does that feel like to you?
Does it feel like big happiness, excitement, fulfillment, confidence? Maybe it’s a combination of different, powerful, feel-good feelings.
Where in your body do you feel it?
Can you silently put your focus on that delicious, empowering sensation for a moment?
Get used to THAT.
Make friends with THAT.
Program THAT.
Don’t just think about feeling great as a concept, feeeel it in your body, with no mental narrative. Warm up to it until it feels so good that it wipes that old taste of feel-bad clean out of your memory.
Practice feeling great, even for just a few moments at a time.
Each time you do you raise your frequency, and feel-good hormones get released into your bodies.
It’s a winning experience that you can call on whenever you need it. Not just to enjoy how good it feels, but also to slow down the crazy train and to get you out of those lousy-feeling ruts. Use your tools!
Yes, get used to THAT.
Today I will enjoy and attract more greatness into my life by feeeeling what feeling GREAT feels like.
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