Is The Universe Whispering In Your Ear?
You know how your mind is always talking inside your head? It asks questions, evaluates, and judges almost continually. It's no wonder we attach to and fall unconscious into thought. Sometimes, to the detriment of our own good.
What if the Universe has been whispering all along?
What if the mind quieted down just long enough to notice emotion as a messenger?
What if the mind quieted down just long enough to catch the magic carpet ride of inspiration?
Mental chaos keeps the muse at bay. Mental quietude invites the muse to play.
What if the mind quieted down just long enough to recognize its own rambling?
When thought recognizes itself, discomfort falls away.
What if the mind quieted down just long enough?
We'd hear the Universe unfailingly whispering the way to our highest good.
Today I will be the eyewitness to thought and emotion.
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