What To Do If You Can’t Get Over It
It happened, but it’s not happening right now, and yet you're still hurting.
While mentally submersed in a painful story, you suffer. Mentally detached from the story, you are free.
The mind’s unwillingness to see beyond the story is the resistance that holds you captive. Be willing to see a bigger picture, recognizing what the mind may have overlooked.
Give the following practices a shot. They just may be the crowbar the mind's resistance needs.
Flow Emotions
Flowing Emotion is not a retelling of a story. This practice entails witnessing wordless emotion at the same time you are experiencing it. You may momentarily grieve, mourn or sob. Watch it. Do not fall into the story.
Allow emotion to rise and melt away, all in mental silence. The transformed energy is personal rocket fuel.
Accept Unconditionally
Acceptance does not mean that you like or agree with whatever happened. It simply means that you accept that it did happen. This frees up the energy being wasting on resistance, to be better used elsewhere.
In acceptance, you open the door to miracles.
Be The Eyewitness
Intend to wake up to the thoughts romping through your head. Notice them. This empowers you to recognize untrue thoughts. It enables you to discard thoughts that do not serve, rather than just have and believe unnoticed, feel-bad thinking.
It allows you to put out the fire, instead of getting lost in fighting the smoke. Be the Eyewitness to thought.
Practice Lucidity
To be lucid is to mentally step out of the perpetual mental commentary. It is to experience the present moment with a quiet mind. Lucidity is a direct connection to Guidance, and to your own power, the higher Self.
To be Lucid is to perceive your surroundings without analytical evaluation. Lucidity is a living meditation.
Rinse and Repeat
You possess the innate ability to do each one of these practices. You can do them at a red light, in an elevator, on line at a store or while washing your hands. The point is, they are all living meditations that can be woven into your daily life.
These are the four practices of FUEL, my 4-point practice to personal transformation.
Use them until realization rises up independently from within, and pain and suffering fall away.
Rest assured, somewhere in what hurts lies the gift of growth and empowerment.
Today I will use my tools to detach from what feels bad, emerging free and empowered.
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