Don’t Believe It


Believe. What exactly is a belief? A belief is like one of those rubber balls made entirely out of rubber bands. Similarly, a bunch of thoughts called reasons, come together to create a belief.

This is the stuff that manifests my life experience, whether I know about it or not.

The key, or the first step, has to be in recognizing my convictions for what they really are. They are beliefs, reasons that come together and form a story. Not all reasons or stories are true. Metaphysically speaking, no story is true but I allow my thinking mind to hold on to stories it believes serves me, like eating healthy food and taking vitamins.

What’s a thinking mind to do?

I began to inquire, and along the journey of questioning my thoughts I began to see things more clearly. I found that the more honest I was with myself, the easier and more effortlessly I began having the Ah-Ha moments that freed me from beliefs not serving me.

Recognize. Accept. Inquire.

Believe it, or not. ; )

For more on seeing through limiting beliefs see: FUEL Your Life SaveSaveSave


Turn On That Light!

