The Power of Emotion
Is emotion propelling you forward in life, or holding you back? Learn how emotions can set you free.
Fear's Invitation To Healing and Freedom
Rediscover the natural ability for self-healing and freedom.
Authentic Change
Change can be good. Authentic change alters your life experience. Which are you having?
How To Quickly Realign With Your Power
Realign with your inner peace and power with this quick practice that can be done almost anywhere.
Gina Charles on New Human Living Radio with Les Jensen
Join us for a discussion on human consciousness and spiritual awakening.
Shift Your Free Will Into High Gear
There's more to free will than you may think. Which way are you free-willin'?
Breaking Free
Are you narrating your life, or living it? Learn how to wake up and break free.
The Root Of Human Evil
Let's look at the root of human evil and the most powerful thing we can do about it.